--添加病种重复病例除外设置 --pip与各病种重复 if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =9 and RepeatReportClass>10) BEGIN --甲状腺癌(手术治疗)·TC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 15, N'06.2、06.3、06.4、06.5', NULL, 1) --房间隔缺损手术·ASD INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 30, N'35.61', NULL, 1) --室间隔缺损手术·VSD INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 31, N'35.62', NULL, 1) --甲状腺结节(手术治疗)·TN INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9,37, N'06.2、06.3、06.4、06.5', NULL, 1) --复杂性视网膜脱离(手术治疗)·RD INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 38, N'13.19、13.3、13.41、13.42、13.43、13.59、13.64、13.65、13.69、13.70、13.71、13.72、13.8、13.90', NULL, 1) --原发性急性闭角型青光眼(手术治疗)·PACG INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 39, N'13.19、13.3、13.41、13.59、13.70、13.71、13.90', NULL, 1) --发育性髋关节发育不良·DDH INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 52, N'76.94、79.8', NULL, 1) END --DVT与各病种重复 if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =12 and RepeatReportClass>7) BEGIN --二尖瓣置换术·MVR INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (12, 24, N'35.0、35.2', NULL, 1) --主动脉瓣置换术·AVR INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (12, 29, N'35.0、35.2', NULL, 1) --胃癌(手术治疗)·GC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (12, 33, N'43.6、43.7、43.8、43.9', NULL, 1) --子宫肌瘤(手术治疗)·UM INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (12, 34, N'68.2', NULL, 1) --宫颈癌(手术治疗)·CC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (12, 42, N'68.3、68.4、68.5、68.6、68.7', NULL, 1) --结肠癌(手术治疗)·CoC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (12, 43, N'45.7', NULL, 1) END --VTE与各病种重复 if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =36 and RepeatReportClass=16) BEGIN --肺癌(手术治疗)·LC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 16, NULL, N'C34.0、C34.1、C34.2、C34.3、C34.8、C34.9', 1) --脑膜瘤(初发手术治疗)·MEN INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 25, NULL, N'C70.0、C70.9', 1) --胶质瘤(初发,手术治疗)·GLI INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 27, NULL, N'C71.0、C71.1、C71.2、C71.3、C71.4、C71.5、C71.6、C71.7、C71.8、C71.9', 1) --垂体腺瘤(初发,手术治疗)·PA INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 28, NULL, N'C75.1', 1) --胃癌(手术治疗)·GC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 33, NULL, N'C16.0、C16.1、C16.2、C16.3、C16.4、C16.5、C16.6、C16.8、C16.9', 1) --舌鳞状细胞癌(手术治疗)·TSCC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 40, NULL, N'C01.x、C02.0、C02.1、C02.2、C02.3、C02.4、C02.8、C02.9', 1) --宫颈癌(手术治疗)·CC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 42, NULL, N'C53.0、C53.1、C53.8、C53.9', 1) --结肠癌(手术治疗)·CoC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 43, NULL, N'C18.0、C18.1、C18.2、C18.3、C18.4、C18.5、C18.6、C18.7、C18.8、C18.9', 1) --儿童急性淋巴细胞白血病(初始诱导化疗)·ALL INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 48, NULL, N'C91.0', 1) --儿童急性早幼粒细胞白血病(初始化疗)·APL INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 49, NULL, N'C92.4', 1) END --HF与各病种重复 if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =2) BEGIN --急性心肌梗死(ST 段抬高型,首次住院)·STEMI INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (2, 1, NULL, N'I21.0、I21.1、I21.2、I21.3', 1) END --CS与各病种重复 if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =10) BEGIN --感染分娩母婴阻断·HBV INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (10, 50, N'74.0、74.1、74.2、74.4、74.99', N'Z37', 1) END --AVR与各病种重复 if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =29) BEGIN --二尖瓣置换术·MVR INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (29, 24, N'35.0、35.2',NULL, 1) END --VTE与pip if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =36 and RepeatReportClass=9) BEGIN --pip INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (36, 9, N'06.2~06.5、80.6、13.0~13.9、17.11~17.13、17.21~17.24、53.00~53.17、85.2~85.4、38.1、81.1、01.24、80.50~80.59、03.53、21.72、76.72~76.79、79.31~79.39、76.94、79.8、78.5~78.6、83.13~83.14、62.0~62.9、64.0~64.4、35.62、35.61、74.0、74.1、74.2、74.4、74.99', NULL, 1) END --reportleak 添加RepeatReportClass if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('Report_Leak') and name='RepeatReportClass') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_Leak add RepeatReportClass nvarchar(max) NULL' END --[Q_Quanxian]表添加分析图表权限 if not exists (select * from [Q_Quanxian] where ID = 25) begin SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Q_Quanxian] ON INSERT [dbo].[Q_Quanxian] ([Id], [QuanxianName], [Sort]) VALUES (25, N'分析图表', 25) SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Q_Quanxian] OFF end --科室表增加根目录字段 if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('Report_UserDept') and name='FullPath') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_UserDept add ParentPath nvarchar(max) NULL' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_UserDept add FullPath nvarchar(max) NULL' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_UserDept add FullName nvarchar(max) NULL' END --pip与BC if not exists(select * from D_RepeatReportSetting where ReportClass =9 and RepeatReportClass=17) BEGIN --乳腺癌(手术治疗)·BC INSERT [dbo].[D_RepeatReportSetting] ([ReportClass], [RepeatReportClass], [Icd9Code], [Icd10Code], [Enabled]) VALUES (9, 17, N'85.2、85.3、85.4', NULL, 1) END --系统属性设置:对接失败数据是否自动退回填报员设置 set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ON if not exists (select * from [Report_DistributeDept] where ID = 27) INSERT [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ([ID] ,[DistributeDeptName] ,[IsStart] ,[HasValue]) VALUES (27, N'对接失败数据是否自动退回填报员', 0, NULL) set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] OFF --增加 D_MedicalRecord 扩展属性字段 if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('D_MedicalRecord') and name='ExtFields') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table D_MedicalRecord add ExtFields nvarchar(max) NULL' END --漏报表提取率相关字段 if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('Report_Leak') and name='filedNum') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_Leak add FiledNum int NULL' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_Leak add NoFilledNum int NULL' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Report_Leak add FiledRate float NULL' END --增加 DataBaseAutoBak 分钟字段 if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('DataBaseAutoBak') and name='AutoDbBakAtMinute') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table DataBaseAutoBak add AutoDbBakAtMinute int default 0' END --添加回收站权限 if not exists (select * from [Q_Quanxian] where ID = 27) begin SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Q_Quanxian] ON INSERT [dbo].[Q_Quanxian] ([Id], [QuanxianName], [Sort]) VALUES (27, N'回收站', 27) SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[Q_Quanxian] OFF end --D_MedicalRecord 卫健委对接code if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('D_MedicalRecord') and name='Ncis_JoinCode') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table D_MedicalRecord add Ncis_JoinCode int NULL' END --系统属性设置:账号禁用设置 set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ON if not exists (select * from [Report_DistributeDept] where ID = 28) INSERT [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ([ID] ,[DistributeDeptName] ,[IsStart] ,[HasValue]) VALUES (28, N'账号禁用设置', 0, '5') set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] OFF --增加 Q_UserProfile LoginDate:登录时间 UserLoginFailNum:登录失败次数 if not exists(select * from syscolumns where id=object_id('Q_UserProfile') and name='LoginDate') BEGIN EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Q_UserProfile add LoginDate datetime NULL' EXEC dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N'alter table Q_UserProfile add UserLoginFailNum int NULL' END --增加Report_LeakLog LeakId的索引 if not exists( select * from sysindexes where id=object_id('Report_LeakLog') and name='NonClusteredIndex-LeakID') begin CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [NonClusteredIndex-LeakID] ON [dbo].[Report_LeakLog] ( [LeakId] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, SORT_IN_TEMPDB = OFF, DROP_EXISTING = OFF, ONLINE = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] end --系统属性设置:是否启用时间粘贴设置 set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ON if not exists (select * from [Report_DistributeDept] where ID = 29) INSERT [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ([ID] ,[DistributeDeptName] ,[IsStart] ,[HasValue]) VALUES (29, N'时间粘贴设置', 0, NULL) set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] OFF --系统属性设置:数据抽取是否覆盖已填写项 set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ON if not exists (select * from [Report_DistributeDept] where ID = 30) INSERT [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] ([ID] ,[DistributeDeptName] ,[IsStart] ,[HasValue]) VALUES (30, N'数据抽取是否覆盖已填写项', 0, NULL) set Identity_insert [dbo].[Report_DistributeDept] OFF --自动抽取应上报数据任务 if not exists (select * from [DataBaseAutoBak] where ID = 7) exec dbo.sp_executesql @statement = N' SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[DataBaseAutoBak] ON INSERT [dbo].[DataBaseAutoBak] ([Id], [AutoDbBakEnabled], [AutoDbBakEveryDay], [AutoDbBakAtHour],[AutoDbBakAtMinute]) VALUES (7, 0, 1, 0, 0) SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[DataBaseAutoBak] OFF '